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Jan 25, Giants of Junk Online Porgram, 10:00am , 10:50am, 1:00pm, ,St. Francis of Assisi, Ottawa, ON

Feb 28, Rhythm and Recyling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Awesome Arts, Ottawa, ON

Mar 5, Healthy Planet, Red Bird, Ottawa, ON

Mar 6, Rhythm Workshops, (Jonny) 9:45am, 10:30am, Temple Israel Religious School, Ottawa, ON

Mar 7, Rhythm and Recyling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Awesome Arts, Ottawa, ON

Mar 8, Rhythm and Recyling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Awesome Arts, Ottawa, ON

Mar 17, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jimmy) 5:00pm, Machzikei Hadas Synagogue, Ottawa, ON

Mar 21, Rhythm and Recyling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Awesome Arts, Ottawa, ON

Mar 22, Rhythm and Recyling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Awesome Arts, Ottawa, ON

Mar 24, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, (Jonny) 12:00pm, 2:00pm, 2:55pm, L’école élémentaire Le Prélude , Ottawa, ON

Mar 25, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, (Jonny) 11:15am, 12:00pm, 2:15pm, 3:00pm, L’école élémentaire Le Prélude , Ottawa, ON

Mar 28, Rhythm and Recyling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Awesome Arts, Ottawa, ON

Mar 29, Rhythm and Recyling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Awesome Arts, Ottawa, ON

Apr 5, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École Publique de Navigateurs, New Liskeard, ON

Apr 6, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École Publique Lionel-Gauthier, Timmins, ON

Apr 7, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École Publique Renaissance, Timmins, ON

Apr 8, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École secondaire catholique et publique, l'Alliance, Iroquois Falls, ON

Apr 11, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École élémentaire publique Étoile du Nord, Iroquois Falls, ON

Apr 12, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École le Coeur du NOrd, Kapuskasing, ON

Apr 13, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École secondair publique Écho du Nord, Kapuskasing, ON

Apr 13, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Sacha) 7:00pm, Centre régional de Loisir culturels, Kapuskasing, ON

Apr 14, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Sacha) 9:10 am - 3:10pm, École publique Passport Jeunesse, Hearst, ON

Apr 16, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Mark, Dauv) 10:00am-4:00pm, Cumberland Museum, Cumberland, ON

Apr 21, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, 9:50am, Académie d’apprentisage virtuel, Ottawa, ON

Apr 22, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, 10:17am, 11:00am, 11:40am, École élémentaire catholique Horizon-Juenesse, Ottawa, ON

Apr 23, Healthy Planet, 11:00 AM, Perth Trashure Hunt, Crystal Palace, Perth, ON

Apr 25, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program for 2000 students, 10:15am, 11:15aam, OCSB, Ottawa, ON

Apr 26, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am, St. Kateri Tekakwitha School , Ottawa, ON

Apr 27, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am, St. Kateri Tekakwitha School , Ottawa, ON

Apr 28, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am, St. Kateri Tekakwitha School , Ottawa, ON

Apr 29, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, 10:00am, 10:40am, St. Kateri Tekakwitha School , Ottawa, ON

Apr 30, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Mark) 1pm, Red Bird Live , Ottawa, ON

May 2, Rhythm Explosion, (Jonny, Jimmy) 10:15am, Lester B Pearson High School (Spec Ed) , Ottawa, ON

May 2, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 3pm, MAC , Ottawa, ON

May 3, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Sacha) 1:45pm, Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary, Marmora, ON

May 5, Giants of Junk, (Jonny, Sacha, Mark, Jimmy) 9:25am, 10:55am, Divine Infant School, Ottawa, ON

May 6, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Jimmy)10:00am, École de la Petite-Ourse

May 6, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jimmy) 1:30 pm, Heritage Academy, Ottawa, ON

May 7, Roving Recylers, Super Street Show, 10:30am, 11:45am, (Jonny, Chris, Mark, Jennie) Wellington West BIA, Ottawa, ON

May 8, Junkyard Jam, Meadowvale Park Eid Celebration, Ottawa, ON

May 9, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, (Jonny) 10:00am, École élémentaire catholique l’Étoile-de-l’Est , Ottawa, ON

May 10, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Sacha, Jimmy) 9:15 am, École élementaire catholique Jean-Robert Gauthier, Ottawa, ON

May 12, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Jimmy, Sacha) 11:00am, St. Micheal Catholic School, ON

May 13, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Jimmy, Sacha) 11:00am, St. Margueritte de Youville School, ON

May 16, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Mark) 10:10am, 12:30pm, Pierre Elliot Trudeau Elementary School, Montreal QC

May 18, Junkyard Jonny Show, (Jonny) 5:30, Packingham Community Early Learning Centre, Packingham, ONN

May 19, Rhythm Workshop, Virtual Program, 11:34 am (Jonny) Personalized Learning Centre Program, Ottawa, ON

May 24, Rhythm Workshop, Virtual Program, 7:30pm, Autism Ontario, ON

May 25, Rhythm Workshops, 9:45am – 3:45pm, Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School, Russel, ON

May 28, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Chris) 11:00 am, Franktown Lilac Festival, Franktown, ON

May 30, Giants of Junk, (Jonny, Chris, Dani, Kevin) 11:30am, 1:00pm, St. Michael Catholic School, Belleville, ON

May 31, Giants of Junk, (Jonny, Chris, Dani, Kevin) 8:30am, 11:30 am, St. Michael Catholic School, Belleville, ON

June 2, Giants of Junk, (Jonny, Jake, Jimmy, Sacha) 10:00am, St. Paul High School, Ottawa, ON

June 3, Rhythm and Recyclng Workshops Virtual Program, VOD Only, Ecole élémentair Catholique des Pins, Ottawa, ON

June 4, Junk Stars, (Jonny, Sacha) 11:00am, Art on the Waterfront Festival, The Gathering House, Chesterville, ON

June 5, Recycled Circus, (Jonny, Chris, Jimmy, Mark) 3:00pm, Boy and Girls Club

June 6, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jimmy) 12:00pm, 1:00pm, 2:45pm, Vimy Ridge Public School, Ottawa, ON

June 7, Junkyard Jam (60 min), (Jonny, Dani) 10:00 am, Central Public School, Cornwall, ON

June 7, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 2:30pm, Morrisburg Public, ON

June 8, Rhythm Explosion, (Jonny, Dani) 10:00am, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Amherstview, ON

June 9, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jimmy) 10:00am, Francojeunesse, Ottawa, ON

June 10, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Mark) 10:00am, 1:30pm, Francojeunesse, Ottawa, ON

June 10, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Mark) 5:30pm, St. Anne Catholic School, Ottawa, ON

June 11, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 11:00am, Cendales Party, Ottawa, ON

June 13, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jennie) 9:00am, École Laurier-Carriere, Ottawa, ON

June 13, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jennie) 1:00pm, École élémentaire catholique des Pins, Ottawa, ON

June 13, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 6:00pm, 116 Nepean Griffin Colony, Ottawa, ON

June 14, Rhythm and Recyling Workshops, (Jonny) 9:30am – 1:30pm, Severn Avenue Public school, Ottawa, ON

June 14, Big Junkyard Jam, 5:30pm, (Jonny, Dani) Le Phare Elementary school, Ottawa, ON

June 15, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Mark, Sacha) 9:00am, Lady Evelyn Alternative, Ottawa, ON

June 15, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Sacha) 1:00pm, Mainstreet Community Services, Ottawa, ON

June 16, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jimmy) 10:00am, 12:00p, Herman Street Public School, Petawawa, ON

June 16, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Jimmy) 2:30pm, Rockwood Public School, Permbroke, ON

June 16, Terrfic Trio, (Jonny, Jimmy, Sacha) 5:30pm, Equinox school, Pembroke, ON

June 17, Junkyard Jam Junk Pack, (Jonny, Mark) 9:00am - 2:30pm, Onslow Elementary School, Quyon, ON

June 17, Junkyard Jonny Show, 7:00pm -10:00pm, Chris and Wendy's Retirement, Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, Ottawa, ON

June 18, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Chris) 2:30pm, Ottawa Police Association BBQ, Ottawa, ON

June 20, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jennie) 9:15am, St. Emily School, ON

June 20, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Kevin, Dani) 2:00pm, Maynard PS, Maynard, ON

June 21, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 10:00am, Long Sault Public School, Long Sault, ON

June 21, Terrific Trio (40 min), (Jonny, Dani, Dylan) 6:45pm, École élémentaire catholique Arc-en-ciel , Ottawa, ON

June 22, Giants of Junk Virtual Program, (Jonny) 11:00am, Le Programme d’apprentissage virtuel CEPEO (PAVÉ)

June 22, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Sacha, Dani ) 6:30pm, R.T Mackenzie, Arnprior

June 23, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Jimmy) 11:00am, West Ottawa Community Resource Centre, Ottawa, ON

June 23, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jimmy) 5:00pm, Barrhaven Public School, Ottawa, ON

June 24, Junk Stars, (Sacha, Jimmy) 6:00pm, St. Jean Paul II Elementary School, Ottawa, ON

June 24, Junkyard Jonny Show Show, 8:00pm, OWL Rafting, Foresters Falls, ON

June 25, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Chris) 10:00am, Orleans, Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre, ON

June 26, Junkyard Jonny Show, (Jonny) 1:30pm, Michienzi Party, ON

June 27, Junkyard Jonny Show, 9:45am, 12:15 pm, South March Public School, ON

June 29, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Sacha) 10:30am, Patro d’Ottawa, Ottawa, ON

July 1, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jimmy) 2:00pm, Pembroke Canada Day Celebrations, Waterfront Park, Pembroke, ON

July 1, Junkyard Jonny Show, 8:00pm, OWL Rafting, Foresters Falls, ON

July 2, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jimmy) 11:00am, Civic Centre, Petawawa, ON

July 4Junk Pack, (Jonny, Jennie) 9:00am - 3:00pm, Grandir Ensemble, ON

July 5Junk Pack, (Jonny, Harrison) 9:00am - 3:00pm, Grandir Ensemble, ON

July 6Junk Pack, (Jonny, Jennie) 9:00am - 3:00pm, Grandir Ensemble, ON

July 6, Giants of Junk, (Jonny, Jimmy, Dani, Jake) 7:00pm, Jardins Taché, Val Tétrau, Hull, QCC

July 7, Junkyard Jonny Show Show, 10:00am, Garderie Sainte-Trinité, Rockland, ON

July 7, Healthy Planet (40 mins) (Jonny, Chris) 7:00pm, Movie Under the Stars, Smiths Falls, ON

July 8Junk Pack, (Jonny, Mark) 9:00am - 3:00pm, Grandir Ensemble, ON

July 8, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jimmy) 8:30pm, OWL Rafting, Foresters Falls, ON

July 11, Junkyard Jonny Show Show, (Jonny) 10:00am, Garderie l’Arche des Amis, Ottawa, ON

July 11, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 1:30pm, Chapman Mills Early Learning Centre, Ottawa, ON

July 12, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Jimmy) 10:00am, Meagan’s Place, Ottawa, ON

July 13, Junkyard Jonny Show, (Jonny) 11:00am, Avalon Y- Summer Camp, ON

July 13, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jennie) 2:00, 3:00pm, OCDSB Summer Camps, Hopewell AvePublic School, Ottawa, ON

July 14, Jonny Bongo Show, (Jonny) 10:30am, Holy Spirit School Age Program, ON

July 14 Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jennie) 2:00, 3:00pm, OCDSB Summer Camps, Chapman Mills Public School, Ottawa, ON

July 15, Jonny Bongo Show, (Jonny) 10:00am, The Childrens Village of Ottawa Carleton, Ottawa, ON

July 15, Junkyard Jonny Show Show, (Jonny) 8:00pm, OWL Rafting, Foresters Falls, ON

July 16, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Mark) 10:00am, Mothercraft, Ottawa, ON

July 16, Roving Recycling, (Jonny, Mark) 5:00pm- 7:00pm, Festival Kafe Karamel, Hull, QC

July 18, Super Street Show, (Jonny and Dani) 10:30 am, Young Acheivers St Annes , Cornwall, ON

July 19, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jennie) 10:00am, Le Parasol, Ottawa, ONb

July 19, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Harrison) 2:00pm, 3:00pm, GNAG, Ottawa, ON

July 20, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Mark) 10:00am, Ponpon Daycare, Aylmer, QC

July 20, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 2:00pm, City of Ottawa Arts Camp, Ottawa, ON Ottawa, ON

July 21, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jennie) 10:00am, Devonshire Childcare Centre, Ottawa, ON

July 21, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop (Jonny) 2:00pm, Kids Kingdom, Ottawa, ON July 22, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Mark) 9:30am, Garderie Le Carrefour-Arch, Ottawa, ON

July 22, Junkyard Jonny Show, (Jonny) 8:00pm, OWL Rafting, Foresters Falls, ON

July 25, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Sacha) 11:00am, Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group (GNAG) First Ave, Ottawa, ON

July 26, Junkyard Jonny Show, (Jonny) 10:00am, Rockcliffe Child Care Centre, Ottawa, ON

July 27, Junkyard Jonny Show (Jonny) 10:00am, Services à l'enfance Aladin Sainte-Anne, Ottawa, ON

July 27, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Dani) 1:00pm, North Gower Alfred Taylor community center, Ottawa, ON

July 28, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Dani) 10:00am, St. Patrick Daycare, Rockland, ON

July 28, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Dani) 1:00pm, Rockland Public Daycare, Rockland, ON

July 29, Junk Pack, (Jonny, Dani) 11:00am- 3:00pm, Beckwith Summer Camp, Beckwith, ON

Aug 2, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 10:00am, 1:00pm, Camp d'été Kawabunga, Casselman, ON

Aug 3, Junkyard Jonny Show Show, (Jonny) 10:00am, Aladin Childcare Centre, ON

Aug 3 Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Harrison) 1:00pm, 2:00pm, OMS Montesorri, ON

Aug 3 Junk Stars, (Sacha, Jimmy) 1:00pm, Complexe Récréatif Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex - Orléans, Ottawa ON

Aug 4, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Sacha) 10:00am, Garderie aux 4 Vents, Ottawa, ON

Aug 4, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 7:00pm , Rideau Townships, Lower Beverly Lake Park, Delta ON

Aug 6 Roving Recyclers, Junkyard Jam, , (Jonny, Dylan) 10:30am, 12:45pm, Winchester Dairyfest, Winchester, ON

Aug 7, Circo- Eco (Jonny, Jake, Dani) 3:00pm, Bath, ON

Aug 8, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Sacha, Harrison) 10:00am, Kanata Camps, Ottawa, ON

Aug 9, Junk Stars, (Sacha, Jimmy) 10:00am, Jewish Youth Library, Ottawa, ON

Aug 9, Super Street Show,(Jonny, Dani) 10:00am, Shoreline Early Learning Centre, Ottawa, ON

Aug 10, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Harrison) 10am, Garderie St-Mathieu daycare, Hammond, ON

Aug 11, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Jennie) 10:00am, Centre Éducatif GDA Embrun, Embrun, ON

Aug 11, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Sacha) 7:00pm, Byward Market, Ottawa, ON

Aug 12, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, James) 3:00pm, Capital Fair, Ottawa, ON

Aug 15, Groovy Games Gallery#4, (Jonny, Dani, Jake, Sally) 10:00am, Garderie l’Arche des Amis, Ottawa, ON

Aug 16, Healthy Planet (Jonny, Jennie) 10:30am, Glebe Parent’s Daycare, Hopewell Campus , Ottawa, ON

Aug 17, Junkyard Jonny Show Show, (Jonny) 1:30pm, Brockville Gymnastics, Brockille, ON

Aug 18, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Jimmy) 11:00am, Rideau Lakes Public Library, KIN Park, Portland, ON

Aug 19 Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jennie) 10:00am, GleeCeptional, Ottawa, ON

Aug 19 Junk Stars, (Sacha, Jimmy) 10:00am, Kanata Camps, Ottawa, ON

Aug 20, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Chris) 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, Aylmer Street Festival, Aylmer, QC

Aug 21, Recycled Circus,(Jonny, Chris, Jake, Dani) 10:00am, 12:00pm, River Institute, Cornwall, ON

Aug 23, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 10:30am, Kids Kingdom, Ottawa, ON

Aug 24, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Sacha) 10:30am, Aladin Childcare Services Pleasant Park School, Ottawa, ON

Aug 24, Junkyard Jam (60 min), (Jonny, Dani) 2:00pm, Superviseur Garderie St-Jean/La Croisée, Embrun, ON

Aug 25, Super Street Show,, (Jonny, Jimmy) 10:00am, Ottawa Adventure Swim, Ottawa, ON

Aug 25, Junkyard Jonny Show, (Jonny) 1:00pm, Minto Recreation Complex Barrhaven, Ottawa, ON

Aug 26, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Chris) 1:00pm, Acora Village, Ottawa, ON

Aug 28 Junk Stars, (Sacha, Jimmy) 2:00pm, Tamir Foundation, Ottawa, ON

Sept 3, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Chris) 2:00pm, 4:00pm, Stormont Fair, Newington, ON

Sept 4, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Chris) 1:00pm, 4:00pm, Stormont Fair, Newington, ON

Sept 7, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 1:15pm, 2:30pm, OMS Monterssori, Ottawa , ON

Sept 8, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 1:15pm, 2:30pm, OMS Monterssori, Ottawa , ON

Sept 9, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jimmy) 10:30pm, École Élémentaire Catholique Sacré-Coeur, Bourget, ON

Sept 9, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Jimmy) 1:30pm, École élémentaire catholique Saint Gregoire, Vankleek Hill, ON

Sept 10, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 12:00pm, 3:00pm, Spencerville Fair, Spencerville, ON

Sept 10, Junkyard Jam, (Sacha, Dani) 6:00pm, Spencerville Fair, Spencerville, ON

Sept 13, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 10:00am, 1:15pm, 2:30pm, OMS Monterssori, Ottawa , ON

Sept 14, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 10:00am, 1:15pm, 2:30pm, OMS Monterssori, Ottawa , ON

Sept 14, Junkyard Jam , (Jonny, Sacha) 5:15pm, Trillium Elementary School, Ottawa, ON

Sept 15, Giants of Junk, (Jonny, Sacha, Jimmy, Dani) 12:00pm, Elgin School, Ottawa, ON

Sept 16, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 1:15pm, OMS Monterssori, Ottawa , ON

Sept 17, Giants of Junk, (Jonny, Harrison, Dani, Jake) 1:00pm, Iroquois Apple Festival, ON

Sept 18, Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 12:00pm, St Andrews Church, Ottawa, ON

Sept 22, Symphony for Seniors, (Jonny, Chris) 3:00pm, Beacon Heights Retirement Residence, Ottawa, ON

Sept 23, Circo Eco, (Jonny, Dani, Harrison) 12:00 pm, Herman Street Public School, Petawawa, ON

Sept 24, Junkyard Jonny Show, (Jonny) 10:00am, Mothercraft, Cresthaven Park, Ottawa, ON

Sept 24, Circo-Eco, (Jonny, Jennie, Harrison) 2:30pm, Carefor, Vincent Massey Park, Ottawa, ON

Sept 27, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Sept 29, Terrific Trio, (Jonny, Dani, Chris) 5:30pm, École primaire du Vieux-Verger, Gatineau, QC

Sept 30, Suepr Street Show, (Jonny, Dani) 6:30pm, Stormont 4-H Association, Finch, ON

Oct 3 Junkyard Jam (Jonny, Dani) 11:00am, Service de garde Vallée-des-Voyageurs, Gatineau, QC

Oct 4, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Oct 6, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Dani) 12:50 pm - 1:05, 13:300pm - 1:45pm, Osgoode Museum, Vernon, ON

Oct 11, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Oct 15, Healthy Planet, (Jonny, Jimmy) 1:30pm, York Street School, Ottawa, ON

Oct 18, Super Street Show, 10:00am, Wise Owl Daycare, Pembroke, ON

Oct 18, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Oct 18, Giants of Junk Virtual Program, 6:25pm, CHEO, Ottawa, ON

Nov 1, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Nov 3, Rhythm Explosion, (Jonny, Dani) 2:00pm, École élementaire Cathloque La Source, Moose Creek, ON

Nov 5, Healthy Planet, 2:00pm, Ottawa Public Library, Ottawa, ON

Nov 8, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Nov 9, Giants of Junk, ((Jonny, Chris, Jimmy, Sacha) 2:00pm, Calvary Christian Academy, Franktown, ON

Nov 15, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Nov 18, Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 10:00am, Service de Garde École Euclide Lanthier, Aylmer, QC

Nov 18, Junk Stars, (Sacha, Jimmy) 10:00am, St Patrick’s Daycare, Rockland, ON

Nov 18, Giants of Junk, Virtual Program, (Jonny) 1:30pm, Programme d'apprentissage virtuel CEPEO (PAVÉ) , Ottawa, ON

Nov 22, Big Man Buckets, (Jonny) 9:30 am, Maison Hawkesburry, Hawkesburry, ON

Nov 22, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Nov 23, Super Street Show, (Jonny, Chris) 10:00am, Crystal Bay Centre for Special Education, Ottawa, ON

Nov 23, Symphony for Seniors, (Jonny, Dani) 2:00pm, Shenkman Arts Centre, Ottawa, ON

Nov 24, Giants of Junk, 8:30am, 9:40am, Stittsville Public School, Stittsville, ON

Nov 25, Really Big Junkyard Jam, (Jonny, Dani) 1:00pm, Centre Parascolaire le Parasol

Nov 25, Junk Stars (Sacha, Jimmy) 1:00pm, Glebe Neighborhood Activities Group (GNAG), Ottawa, ON

Nov 26, Parade Percussionists, (Jonny, Sacha) 5:30pm, City of Pembroke Parks and Recreation Department, Santa Claus Parade, Pembroke, ON

Nov 29, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Dec 4, Rudolph Rock, 1:00pm, Ross Video, Morrisburg, ON

Dec 4, Big Man Buckets, 3:20pm, Lapierre Birthday Party, Cornwall, ON

Dec 6, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Dec 7, Junkyard Jam, 11:10pm, Turnbull School, Ottawa, ON

Dec 9, Roving Recylers, 12:00pm, St Laurent Shopping Centre, Ottawa, ON

Dec 13, Rhythm and Recycling Workshop, (Jonny) 4:00pm, Bishop Hamilton Montesorri School, Ottawa, ON

Dec 16, Circo-Eco, 9:00am, 11:45am, John Elementary School, Ottawa, ON

Dec 18, Junkyard Jam, 10:15am Soloway Jewish Community Centre, Ottawa, ON

Dec 19, Rudolph Rock, (Jonny, Dani) 11:45am, St. Anthony School, Pierrefonds, QC

Dec 21, Giants of Junk, 11:10, 1:15pm, École Publique Julie-Payette, Kanata, ON

Dec 23, Rudolph Rock, 9:30am-10:15am, Bank of Canada, Ottawa, ON




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